Visual Arts

John B. Stetson
421 North Woodland Boulevard
DeLand, FL 32720

DeLand University's name was changed in 1889 to honor hat manufacturer John B. Stetson, a major benefactor of the university. Erik Blome's commissioned sculpture was installed on Palm Court in 2019.

River City Brick Mural
120 South Florida Avenue
DeLand, FL 32720

Built into the south breezeway entrance of DeLand's City Hall, this mural celebrates the towns relationship with the St. Johns River.

David Scott Meier Studio
127 East New York Avenue
DeLand, FL 32720

A fine art gallery. Paintings and Prints. Appointment recommended.

Miniature Art Adventure
Several locations within the Arts District
DeLand, FL 32720

A collaborative effort between the City of DeLand and the Museum of Art - DeLand featuring 21 designs created by eight area artists. Click here for brochure with map.

Utility Box Art Wrap Project
Several locations within the Arts District
DeLand, FL 32720

A collaborative effort between the City of DeLand and the Museum of Art - DeLand featuring a dozen designs created by five local artists. Brochures with a map for a self-guided tour are available at either Museum of Art location or the Visitor Information Center at 116 West New York Avenue. Click here for brochure.